Saturday, May 30, 2020

Commission: Cloistered Nuns

Warning, those with deep religious beliefs may not enjoy this story, do not read if you have issues with that. 


In a far off large and yet modest size church, sister Rose was in the front prayer hall which she was dispelling the people's plights for the day. Among them all, she was currently chatting with a local bakery girl of similar age.

"I must say sister, it must be so great working here as a nun!" the bakery girl said as she thought about joining the church.

"Yes, my dear, being a nun here is very, releasing," Sister Rose merely replied as the church bells above soon rang loud and clear. "Ahh, it appears it is prayer time, I'm afraid I have to close the doors for now," she said as the bakery girl looked disappointed.

"Really? Might I be able to join you?" she asked curiously as Sister Rose shook her head.

"Afraid not, these are private prayers, though I will ask Mother Superior if you can watch or maybe partake next time," Sister Rose said as the bread girl merely nodded her head understanding and soon left with the others as the doors were closed and locked.

"I must hurry, or I may be the last to be able to pray..." Sister Rose muttered as she hurried to the inner chapel where the courtyard was surrounded by a cloister.


Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Naruto Commission: Infiltrating the Cloud

"YOU'RE WHAT?" a female with light blue short hair cried out as she wore a loose ninja like outfit which she glared at her brother. "Don't you know what they do to those who sneak into the Cloud? I hear the Raikage really busts balls!" she said trying to stop her brother which he was a young male and already wearing stolen Hidden Cloud ninja uniform having similar light blue hair.

"What? But Maya, you said you always wanted to see a Cloud ninja up close, figured I sneak in, have some fun and escort a few playmates out, you're okay with that right?" he questioned as she frowned at her brother.

"Hmph! Idiot! Don't come crying to me if you get caught and they are ripping you a new one..." Maya remarked tending to their campfire.

"Hey, it's me, Mizo the Hidden, by the time they know I'm around, I'll be long gone!" Mizo assured her as he soon went to bed for the night intending to have his fun tomorrow.


Commission: The Perfect Ornaments

"It's missing something... but what?" an elegant man muttered as he looked at his large Christmas tree before him that filled ...